read.abares 1.0.0
Breaking changes
Rename functions that both download and read files into active R session from
to avoid confusion with functions that only fetch data and have separateread_
functionsAdds new function,
to provide details on the AGFD NetCDF files’ contentsUses Geopackages for {sf} objects rather than .Rds, faster and smaller file sizes when caching
Checks and corrects the geometries of the AAGIS Regions shapefile upon import and applies to the cached object if applicable
New features
Improved documentation
All data sets now have an
field that points to the file being providedAll data sets now have an
field that points to references for the data
Code linting thanks to {flint}
Use {httr2} to handle downloads
- Increase timeout values to deal with stubborn long-running file downloads
- Uses {httr2}’s caching functionality to simplify in-session caching
Use {brio} to write downloads to disk
Use {httptest2} to help test downloads
Gracefully handle errors when AGFD zip files are corrupted on download, provide the user with an informative message and remove corrupted download
Tests are run in parallel for quicker testing
{sf} operations are now quiet when reading data where possible
Minor improvements and fixes
No longer checks the length of a Boolean vector when checking the number of files in the cache before proceeding with removing them
Fixes bugs in
when creating the directories for saving the downloaded fileFixes bug in
when creating the cached object fileFixes “URL” field in DESCRIPTION file (@mpadge
read.abares 0.1.0
- Submission to rOpenSci for peer code review