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read.abares 1.0.0

Breaking changes

  • Rename functions that both download and read files into active R session from get_ to read_ to avoid confusion with functions that only fetch data and have separate read_ functions

  • Adds new function, print_agfd_nc_file_format() to provide details on the AGFD NetCDF files’ contents

  • Uses Geopackages for {sf} objects rather than .Rds, faster and smaller file sizes when caching

  • Checks and corrects the geometries of the AAGIS Regions shapefile upon import and applies to the cached object if applicable

New features

  • Improved documentation

    • All data sets now have an @source field that points to the file being provided

    • All data sets now have an @references field that points to references for the data

  • Code linting thanks to {flint}

  • Use {httr2} to handle downloads

    • Increase timeout values to deal with stubborn long-running file downloads
    • Uses {httr2}’s caching functionality to simplify in-session caching
  • Use {brio} to write downloads to disk

  • Use {httptest2} to help test downloads

  • Gracefully handle errors when AGFD zip files are corrupted on download, provide the user with an informative message and remove corrupted download

  • Tests are run in parallel for quicker testing

  • {sf} operations are now quiet when reading data where possible

Minor improvements and fixes

  • No longer checks the length of a Boolean vector when checking the number of files in the cache before proceeding with removing them

  • Fixes bugs in get_agfd() when creating the directories for saving the downloaded file

  • Fixes bug in get_aagis_regions() when creating the cached object file

  • Fixes “URL” field in DESCRIPTION file (@mpadge

read.abares 0.1.0