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Read 'Australian Gridded Farm Data', (AGFD) as a list of stars objects.





A list of AGFD NetCDF files to import.


a list object of stars objects of the Australian Gridded Farm Data with the file names as the list's objects' names.


From the ABARES website: “The Australian Gridded Farm Data (AGFD) are a set of national scale maps containing simulated data on historical broadacre farm business outcomes including farm profitability on an 0.05-degree (approximately 5 km) grid.
These data have been produced by ABARES as part of the ongoing Australian Agricultural Drought Indicator (AADI) project (previously known as the Drought Early Warning System Project) and were derived using ABARES's farmpredict model, which in turn is based on ABARES Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey (AAGIS) data.
Australian Agricultural Drought Indicator (AADI) project (previously known as the Drought Early Warning System Project) and were derived using ABARES farmpredict model, which in turn is based on ABARES Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey (AAGIS) data.
These maps provide estimates of farm business profit, revenue, costs and production by location (grid cell) and year for the period 1990-91 to 2022-23. The data do not include actual observed outcomes but rather model predicted outcomes for representative or ‘typical’ broadacre farm businesses at each location considering likely farm characteristics and prevailing weather conditions and commodity prices.”
ABARES, 2024-11-25

Both sets of data are large in file size, i.e., >1GB, and will require time to download.

Model scenarios

Historical climate (fixed prices)

The Historical climate (fixed prices) scenario is similar to that described in Hughes et al. (2022) and is intended to isolate the effects of climate variability on financial incomes for broadacre farm businesses. In these simulations, global output and input price indexes are fixed at values from the most recently completed financial year. However, in these scenarios the spread between domestic and global grain (wheat, barley and sorghum) prices, along with Australian fodder prices are allowed to vary in response to climate data (to capture domestic increases in grain and fodder prices in drought years, see Hughes et al. 2022). A 33-year historical climate sequence (including historical simulated crop and pasture data from the AADI project) is simulated for each grid cell (1990-91 to 2022-23).

Historical climate and prices

As part of the AADI project an additional scenario was developed accounting for changes in both climate conditions and output and input prices (i.e., global commodity market variability). In this Historical climate and prices scenario the 33-year reference period allows for variation in both\ historical climate conditions and historical prices. For this scenario, historical price indexes were de-trended, to account for consistent long- term trends in some real commodity prices (particularly sheep and lamb). The resulting simulation results and percentile indicators are intended to reflect the combined impacts of annual climate and commodity price variability."

– Taken from Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (2024)

Data files

Simulation output data are saved as multilayer NetCDF files, which are named using following convention:

f<farm year>.c<climate year>.p<price year>.t<technology year>.nc


  • <farm year> = Financial year of farm business data is used in simulations.

  • <climate year> = Financial year of climate data is used in simulations.

  • <price year> = Financial year of output and input prices used in simulations.

  • <technology year> = Financial year of farm ‘technology’ (equal to farm year in all simulations) Here financial years are referred to by the closing calendar year (e.g., 2022 = 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022).

– Taken from Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (2024)

Data layers

The data layers from the downloaded NetCDF files are described in Table 2 as seen in Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (2024).

Following is a copy of Table 2 for your convenience, please refer to the full document for all methods and metadata.

farmno-Row index and column index of the grid cell in the form of YYYXXX
A_barley_hat_ha-Proportion of total farm area planted to barley
A_oilseeds_hat_ha-Proportion of total farm area planted to canola
A_sorghum_hat_ha-Proportion of total farm area planted to sorghum
A_total_cropped_ha-Proportion of total farm area planted to crops
A_wheat_hat_ha-Proportion of total farm area planted to wheat
C_chem_hat_ha$/haExpenditure on crop and pasture chemicals per hectare
C_fert_hat_ha$/haExpenditure on fertiliser per hectare
C_fodder_hat_ha$/haExpenditure on fodder per hectare
C_fuel_hat_ha$/haExpenditure on fuel, oil and grease per hectare
C_total_hat_ha$/haTotal cash costs per hectare
FBP_fci_hat_ha$/haFarm cash income per hectare
FBP_fbp_hat_ha$/haFarm business profit per hectare, cash income adjusted for family labour, depreciation, and changes in stocks
FBP_pfe_hat_ha$/haProfit at full equity per hectare
H_barley_dot_hatt/haBarley yield (production per hectare planted)
H_oilseeds_dot_hatt/haOilseeds yield (production per hectare planted)
H_sorghum_dot_hatt/haSorghum yield (production per hectare planted)
H_wheat_dot_hatt/haWheat yield (production per hectare planted)
Q_barley_hat_hat/haBarley sold per hectare (total farm area)
Q_beef_hat_haNumber/haBeef number sold per hectare
Q_lamb_hat_haNumber/haPrime lamb number sold per hectare
Q_oilseeds_hat_hat/haCanola sold per hectare (total farm area)
Q_sheep_hat_haNumber/haSheep number sold per hectare
Q_sorghum_hat_hat/haSorghum sold per hectare (total farm area)
Q_wheat_hat_hat/haWheat sold per hectare (total farm area)
R_barley_hat_ha$/haBarley gross receipts per hectare
R_beef_hat_ha$/haBeef cattle receipts per hectare
R_lamb_hat_ha$/haPrime lamb net receipts per hectare
R_oilseeds_hat_ha$/haReceipts for oilseeds this FY for oilseeds sold this FY or in previous FYs per hectare
R_sheep_hat_ha$/haSheep gross receipts per hectare
R_sorghum_hat_ha$/haSorghum gross receipts per hectare
R_total_hat_ha$/haTotal farm receipts per hectare
R_wheat_hat_ha$/haWheat gross receipts per hectare
S_beef_births_hat_haNumber/haBeef cattle births per hectare
S_beef_cl_hat_haNumber/haBeef cattle on hand per hectare on 30 June
S_beef_deaths_hat_haNumber/haBeef cattle deaths per hectare
S_sheep_births_hat_haNumber/haSheep births per hectare
S_sheep_cl_hat_haNumber/haSheep on hand per hectare on 30 June
S_sheep_deaths_hat_haNumber/haSheep deaths per hectare
S_wheat_cl_hat_hat/haWheat on hand per hectare on 30 June
farmland_per_cellhaIndicative area of farmland in the grid cell


Australian gridded farm data, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, Canberra, July 2024, DOI: 10.25814/7n6z-ev41. CC BY 4.0.

N. Hughes, W.Y. Soh, C. Boult, K. Lawson, Defining drought from the perspective of Australian farmers, Climate Risk Management, Volume 35, 2022, 100420, ISSN 2212-0963, DOI: 10.1016/j.crm.2022.100420.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()

# using piping, which can use the {read.abares} cache after the first DL

agfd <- get_agfd(cache = TRUE) |>

