Read Historical Forecast Database From ABARES
Read Historical Forecast Database From ABARES
A data.table::data.table object.
Field | Description |
Commodity | Broad description of commodity (includes the Australian dollar) |
Estimate_type | Broad grouping of estimate by theme e.g., animal numbers, area, production, price, export and volume measures. |
Estimate_description | Detailed description of each series. |
Unit | Measurement unit of series. e.g., kt, $m, $/t. |
Region | Relevant region for each series. “World” denotes relevant international market. |
Year_Issued | Year that forecast was originally issued. |
Month_issued | Month that forecast was originally issued. |
Year_Issued_FY | Australian financial year (July-June) that forecast was originally issued. |
Forecast_Year_FY | Australian financial year (July-June) for which the forecast was issued. Where forecast year is earlier than Year Issued (FY), value is a backcast. |
Forecast_Value | Forecast as originally issued. |
Actual_Value | Actual outcome observed. Note that historical time series can be revised. Latest available data at time of update, including any revisions, are included in database. |
Columns are renamed for consistency with other ABARES products serviced in this package using a snake_case format and ordered consistently.
The "Month_issued" column is converted from a character string to a numeric
value representing the month of year, e.g., "March" is converted to 3